// I/O Port / register names / address for STM32L1xx microcontroller
#include "STM32L1xx.h"
// Global variables.. accessible by all functions
int count;
// Function definitions
void increment(int n){
count = count + n;
// Instructions to be implement the function
// Main program
int main(void){
// Declare local variables
int i;
// Endless loop
while (1){ // Can also use for(;;) or while(1) or while(true)
// instructions to be repeated
<aside> ⚠️ لو حفظتهم هتلبس .. افهمهم
void main(void){
// Init the system
while (1){ // 'for ever' (Super Loop)
// Find out what temperature the user requires (via the user interface)
// Find out what the current room temperature is (via temperature sensor)
// Adjust the gas burner, as required
continuously without disturbing the rest of the bits of P2.#include <reg51.h> // Include header file for 8051 registers
sbit mybit = P2^4; // Define a bit variable for P2.4
void main() {
while (1) { // Infinite loop to continuously toggle P2.4
mybit = 1; // Turn on P2.4
mybit = 0; // Turn off P2.4
#include <reg51.h> // Include header file for 8051 registers
void delay(unsigned int ms) { // Delay function
unsigned int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < ms; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 1275; j++); // Adjust for accurate delay based on crystal frequency
void main() {
while (1) { // Infinite loop to continuously toggle bits
P1 = 0; // turn on P2
delay(250); // Delay for 250ms
P1 = 1; // turn off P2
delay(250); // Delay for 250ms
#include <reg51.h> // Include header file for 8051 registers
void main() {
sbit inbit = P1^2; // Define a bit variable for Pin 3 port 2
sbit outbit = P2^5; // Define a bit variable for Pin 6 port 3
bit membit; // Declare a bit variable to store the status
while (1) { // Infinite loop to continuously monitor and send
membit = inbit; // Read the status of Pin 3 port 2 and save it in membit
outbit = membit; // Send the saved status to Pin 6 port 3