by @Mohamed Safwat

(Don’t forget to convert file size to bits)

(speed of light $C$ can equal $2 \times 10^8 m/s$ OR $3\times10^8 m/s$)

(for propagation delay = transmission delay)

($K$ = no. of protocol layers, $H$ = header size, $M$ = Message size, $KH$ = total no. of headers)

Stop-And-Wait ARQ —> $SWS = RWS = 1$

Go-Back-N ARQ —> $SWS = N$ , $RWS = 1$

Selective-Repeat ARQ —> $SWS = N_1$ , $RWS = N_2$ (usually $N_1 = N_2$)

(SWS = Sender Window Size, RWS = Receiver Window Size, N = no. of sequence bits)